ta wjia:dfõ úmlaIfhka lsisfjla Bg ms<s;=re kqÿkay'tlai;a cd;sl mlaIfha ksfhdacH kdhl ið;a fma%uodi uy;d mejiqfha fï wh jeh wxl .‚; ð,audÜ wh jehla njhs'ish¨ fokdgu iyk i,ik nj uqo,a yd l%u iïmdok weue;s o jk ckm;s mejiqj;a thska fmdÿ ckhdg isÿ jk fi;la ke;ehso Tyq lSfõh'‘isÿjk tlu foa fmdÿ ckhd kkak;a;dr ùuhs'‘
After presenting the 2015 Budget in Parliament, President Mahinda Rajapaksa asked the opposition, "How is the Budget presented by the country bumpkin."